This Holiday Season the IBISKA staff created much happiness and joy for some local families that needed a helping hand to get through the Season without too much stress and hardship. The staff made a collective decision to give up our traditional Staff Holiday Gift Exchange to instead contribute the amount we intended to use for the gift exchange toward the “Christmas Hampers for families in need” program.
On December 23rd, we packaged the goods and 2 teams delivered boxes and bags overflowing with great produce, fruits, baked goods, a turkey, some fun toys and other necessities to these families.
This initiative was supported by all and many participated in the effort required to make it happen. As a result of giving up something, we all gained a lot ourselves.
Thanks to Janet Moore for sparking the idea and to all that enthusiastically joined in.
As great ideas spark more ideas, we have now started a ‘Beyond Casual Friday’ Loonie collection initiated by Bill McInnis. Bill has not yet worn a silly hat but he has put to use his collection of silly sweatshirts! The loot will go toward our 2015 Holiday Hampers. And Fridays are now a lot more fun.
No shortage of ideas… just a shortage of time to do it all.