We are very excited to launch IBISKA’s fundraising event spearheaded by the IBISKA Social Responsibility Committee in collaboration with CHEO & Hair Donation Ottawa Drive.
We are very proud to introduce our fearless and generous hair donors who are contributing to this great cause by parting with their beautiful long hair and raising funds for CHEO at the same time!
Our amazing staff members have committed to donating a minimum of 5 inches of hair that will go towards making wigs for children and youth undergoing cancer treatment. We hope that you will choose to contribute to this great cause by supporting the ‘Inches off IBISKA‘ Team!
Learn about their unique journey here: https://cheofoundation.donordrive.com/team/InchesOffIBISKA
Hair Donation Ottawa is a year-round fundraiser for children living with cancer; all proceeds from donations support cancer research at CHEO, cancer care, providing wigs for children and youth in need. Shorter hair donations are also accepted and go towards some unique environmental projects.