Today, our office team gave a few hours of our time and some food supplies to make sandwiches at The Mission. And…. we received so much more in return! We were given ‘hope’ for a bright future. As long as there are caring people in our great city, willing to share their time, professional skills and their loving energy to lift and support fellow human beings that are going through some very rough times, there is hope for us all. We were given the gift of being inspired by this great example of “community in action”.
Here are some of the take away / gifts that our team of “sandwich makers” came back to the office with:
“A great experience! IBISKA had the opportunity to volunteer as “Sandwich Makers” at the Mission – we assembled over 150 sandwiches as snacks for Mission clients. However, the highlight was the extensive tour we had of the services/facilities (a true learning experience). We were hugely impressed with the breadth of services offered in a warm and caring environment and moreover, with all the staff both fulltime and volunteers who are so dedicated and passionate about serving those in need. It is a professional and highly efficient organization which treats all their clients with great empathy. We urge you to donate your dollars and/or time to help this amazing organization carry on their amazing work!”
“Before today, if someone had asked me what The Ottawa Mission provided to the Ottawa community, I would have simply said food and shelter for the homeless. While the number of meals the Mission delivers each day is truly amazing (a lot!), what surprised and impressed me the most are the many other services that they provide, including dental and medical services, hospice care, mental health care and a food services training program! It was an honor and privilege to have the opportunity to prepare snacks, tour the amazing buildings, and also meet some of the many caring and committed people who offer warmth, compassion, and hope to those who come through their doors.”
“I was truly overwhelmed by the sense of family and community that envelops you as soon as you walk through the doors. In speaking with the staff and volunteers, their compassion is truly inspiring. I especially enjoyed visiting the classroom and speaking with the teacher – she had such pride on her face as she showed us pictures of those who she has watched graduate and her excitement in telling us about the upcoming graduations she would be attending in the spring. It was a great learning experience, and I am glad we could contribute in this small way and hope to do so again! 😊”
“Truly the Ottawa Missions Statement was not lost today. To get a glimpse into what the mission offers, who they serve and the amount of work that goes in everyday will not be lost on any of us. It was a true pleasure to go onsite and help in what we think is a “Little” piece of work. However, we have lifted work off Volunteers and full-time staff for just a day and been able to provide much needed snacks for the community.”
“This experience really helps to put things into perspective. How lucky we are to be in a position of being able to afford a roof over our heads and food on our tables. I think it’s important for people to be exposed to the challenges that others around us may be facing on a daily basis.”
“It was a joy to spend the morning putting together sandwiches while learning about the vast array of invaluable services provided by the incredible staff and volunteers at the Ottawa Mission. With their safe and clean overnight shelter, educational services, medical services including hospice care, an incredibly expansive food service program, and much, much more, the Ottawa Mission is providing invaluable and innovative resources to their clients with the utmost compassion and respect. Their prioritization of the innate dignity of all people, combined with their holistic approach to addressing the many complicated contributors to homelessness, has led to a truly inspiring network of services that has served the Ottawa community for over 100 years.”
“I would like to offer a huge Thank You to the Ottawa Mission for giving us the opportunity to learn about their services and contribute to making another person’s day a little brighter. We are all born, live, and leave this world with the same amount of human dignity, and the commitment the people at the Mission show to preserving and honouring that dignity is for their clients truly inspiring.”
“A wonderful, eye-opening experience of what goes into helping the Ottawa community, and how a task we perceive as “little”, can have the biggest impact. The highlight of our time today was touring the facility and seeing how clean and welcoming it was, as well as meeting the wonderful staff. They were all knowledgeable, warm, and truly have the care factor needed to help people. Not only do they help with housing, but also education and setting their clients up for success in life. I was immediately able to tell that they treat people without prejudice and judgment, but with respect and dignity.”
Follow the link below to find out more about The Mission’s work.