With the holidays just around the corner, we want to remind our colleagues and friends that the holiday season is above all about giving. Like so many others in our community, IBISKA is proud to have made significant donations to some charities that have been working really hard to make a difference for their target populations:
- Youth Services Bureau – https://www.ysb.ca/
- Shepherds of Good Hope – https://www.sghottawa.com/
- Caring and Sharing Exchange – https://www.caringandsharing.ca/
- Snow Suit Fund – https://snowsuitfund.com/
- Interval House – https://endingviolencecanada.org/getting-help/
- The Ottawa Food Bank – https://donate.ottawafoodbank.ca
- Femmes Authochtones du Quebec Home | Femmes autochtones du Québec (faq-qnw.org)
As a company we are always looking at ways to support and help the local community any way we can year-round and especially during this time of the year. We are very proud to have donated to these charities and look forward to continuing helping our community in the future.
There are many ways to give back to our community and the needs are great. We encourage all to find their cause to love.