Cleaning the Capital is IBISKA’s favorite spring time community involvement project. Each year, we roll up our sleeves and clean away the winter’s detritus to prepare our area for spring time. To find out more about the initiative, check out the official website:

The River Edge Cleaning Crew

IBISKA Crew “before” photo

This year, our usual spot, the Ottawa River locks between Chateau Laurier and Parliament Hill needed some tender loving care as the recent flooding had left its mark on the beautiful downtown hangout. Walking paths were still blocked by high water levels that washed up debris and garbage in waves. Styrofoam, recyclable glass and plastic bottles, lost sweaters and spray paint cans were collected and properly disposed of by the IBISKA team armed with rubber gloves and garbage bags.

The river shorelines just below the Bytown museum are now clear of garbage and the water levels are back to normal. These paths are now ideal for lunchtime nature walks!